Saturday, September 7, 2013


This is a very special post about a very special person. My beautiful, strong, wonderfully kind friend Eden (who has been mentioned in several other posts) recently relocated to Pennsylvania for boarding school. I couldn't be more proud of her for being so independent and going out on her own, but I miss her like crazy. Yesterday I received such a lovely letter from her and it reminded me how much i miss her. Because a letter would take days to reach her, I decided to just post my letter here.

(isn't she lovely?!)

Dear Eden,
Thank you for your beautiful letter, it was so great to hear from you. So, 40% of your school is from New Jersey? As a word of advice you should never ask them about Jersey shore, ever. But the good thing about them being the same in social situations is that you've had years and years of practice in California dealing with that. I'm glad that you're not feeling homesick, and if you ever do start to miss us you can just cuddle up to your laptop and filter through our blogs and remember that the internet connects us all. So here are some warm snuggly memories to keep you company when you feel lonely:

- Maisie's 14th birthday. Wandering through the shops along Ventura and ending up in the parody section of that Bookstar and laughing until we cried. We did that read-aloud of Bi-curious George and that lady kept glaring at us. Remember posing for that photo 3 times before we finally got it right. And how, on the way back to Maisie's, we stopped to do that photo shoot in front of that vine-covered wall. It was freezing cold and we all still got frappuccinos anyways, except for you. You got a Chai latte. If you ever get cold during the chilly months just remember how warm we were snuggled up in that bookshop together. 
- Watching Supernatural together every wednesday. Event though we were never in the same room, it was a joint experience. Do you remember that domestic headcanon we came up with? we spent every second of those commercial breaks rapidly texting back and forth. I will dearly miss our joint viewings, but whenever I get hit with a wave of longing i can read those messages and feel connected with the past. I hope that you get  the same joy reading those messages as I do. 
- That one sleepover with you, me and Maisie. I know that parts of that night were tough, but that sleepover really did bring us closer together. For all those times when we laughed, there was bound to be one time when we cried. After that we all fell asleep on your narrow bed. It was a miracle we all fit. But when we woke up in the morning there was this understanding between all of us. So whenever you need a friend just remember how deep our friendship is. Maisie and I love you very much, and we are always just a phone call away.
- The Boston trip. we spent every second, waking and asleep, together. On that first day it was so cold that we ended up tangled up together on that bench trying to stay warm. You carried around your camera everywhere with you, I don't think there was a single undocumented aspect of our time together. I also remember me being super tired and bitchy at one point, but let's not dwell to much on that. Instead lets remember marathoning House Hunters and trying to eat cup-o-noodle with coffee stirrers. And on those bus rides when we were both so tired we would lie on top of each other. One time you fell asleep while you were still hugging me and I couldn't move at all. Zach still has the photos and they are soooooo embarrassing. Whenever you need some comfort just remember that best friend hugs are the best hugs and there are so many hugs waiting for you when you come back home. 

- Our thrifting expedition. Sifting through those racks of tacky ski-sweaters and fringed jackets until we finally unearthed our beautiful clothes. It was so damn hot out, but we still donned our sweaters and coats and posed for that photo. I hope you brought that red skirt with you to Pennsylvania, it looked so good on you. That night we ate microwavable Indian food on your patio and just talked. It was so great to be together just me and you. The next day we re-organized your book shelf into a rainbow. That was one of the only times we've ever hung out together alone. It was so lovely, when you come back we should do it again. A thrift shop adventure, just you and I. When you wear your plaid or your lovely red skirt I hope that you remember how fun that day was. 
- The last hurrah of the Golden trio. That last sleepover was so much fun, it was the perfect way to separate. You were so good at building pillow forts, Maisie and I totally would have failed without you. And our fort was rather idyllic wasn't it? I wear the dress from the vintage festival all the time, I named it the Eden as a tribute to you. So just know that the dress named Eden is just as loved as you are.

I hope these memories make you happy when you are down and bring you comfort when you need it. I know that the people over in Pennsylvania will love you just as much as I do. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, a person to laugh with, or a friend to confide in, just know that I am always here for you. 

Love always,