Sunday, October 20, 2013

You Aren't Punk Rock Enough

It has been quite some time since I have enjoyed both the social and blogging world. In a pleasant coincidence, I was thrown back into both simultaneously last night. Maisie and I were joyously reunited last night after several weeks apart. What with school, new friends, and hobbies, there just wasn't much time to get together. But last night we pushed those superfluous activities aside for a night in Hollywood. The plan had been to eat dinner at this pizza restaurant and then make our way to the Arclight to see the Fifth Estate, but somewhere between the two, we ended up in Amoeba Records.

Amoeba Records, for those who do not know, is this groovy record store in Hollywood. The place is huge, its cavernous structure filled with everything music related. From guitars, to records, to CD's, to band shirts. In an attempt to be retro and "punk rock", Maisie and I dashed through the record aisles, snapping grainy, faux-badass photos on my phone.
pow-wow punk rock princess (and pink floyd)
(from top to bottom) - The Grateful Dead, The Black Keys, Neutral Milk Hotel. And most importantly, a Butthole Surfers T-shirt that we pulled off of a rack in the back of the store. The quest for true punk may be difficult, but it sure is interesting.
Are we punk rock enough yet?

Through mangled screams of "IS THIS PUNK ROCK ENOUGH?" and "YOU LOOK LIKE A CHICKEN!", we managed to have fun and also earn the hatred of everyone else in that store. At the end of the night, Maisie and I still weren't the punk rock people we had strived so hard to be. I guess this is because punk is something you are born with. True punk comes from within and, like all other personas, cannot be readily manufactured. We should stop trying to be what we are not, and start striving to be who we are inside. Whether you are a flower child, a vintage queen, a derby doll, a skater girl, or a punk rock princess, you should fully embrace your inner television trope. Don't let personality trends get you down, they will come and go but your uniqueness will last forever. Until next time...


  1. Aaaaww sofia i had such a good time with u running through amoeba. butthole surfers 4 life.

  2. Gosh this is the cutest, you two are SO PUNK ROCK and I'm super envious, I'd love to go into Amoeba Records!

    1. If you ever come to California we should all go!
