Sunday, July 28, 2013

Meet me at the Fair

Nothing screams adventure like deep fried chocolate-covered bacon or a 2-foot-long corn dog. And at the Orange County fair, such dishes are a commonality. When my mom propositioned me with the idea of taking my new-in-town cousin to the fair, I was delighted. I'd heard of the fair before but I'd never had the chance to go, it was sure to be an adventure. Of course, all adventurers need companions so I asked the one and only Jesse if she'd like to accompany me. We departed from her house at around eleven in the morning, car full of people and the sounds of bad radio music. Although the drive there was long, it felt like no time at all.

(My brother Enzo, my cousin Sam, Jesse and I)

As we steered our way through the hordes of people, we caught brief glimpses of some of the food that was being sold. Our reactions were generally that of mutual hilarity and disgust. After all, who really wants to eat bacon and Nutella? No, instead of struggling to find edible food we opted to take on some of the rides. The first ride we tried was, for lack of a better phrase, a ball buster. The colorful, spinning contraption took the rider high up into the air and flipped them round and round until they were weak at the knees and purple in the face. The second ride we braved was the ferris wheel. We must have been on that rickety old thing for at least 20 minutes before they let us off. 
(Jesse and I infront of a booth that sold deep-fried Oreo sundaes)

As terrifying as the rides were, the food was the most intimidating part of the fair. For lunch, Jesse and I settled for a pulled pork sandwich so big that the two of us couldn't even finish it. And there's no better way to cool off in the Cali heat than slurping away at a cool Icee. We took a ski-lift from one part of the park to the other, where we rode two more rides. The logging ride left us all water-logged and the swings were delightful and didn't last long enough. 

(shameless selfies and slushies with Jesse)

Finally, with our caramel apples in hand, we decided to set off for home. The whole experience was so new and so much fun. Today could have been just another Sunday spent at home in my air-conditioned room, but instead it was transformed a wonderful adventure. But the friends we travel with are just as important as where we ultimately go. And I am so thrilled to have been able to share this wonderful day with four of the people I love most. Next time a fair roles around your hometown, grab a couple of your closest friends and ample amounts of sunscreen and have yourselves an adventure. 

Until next time...


  1. looks like a blast, and the food sounds AMAZING! you both have such rad sunglasses!
